One of my new year’s resolution is to get out of my comfort zones more often. To apply that on my photography I decided to invent photo challenges starting this year. 📸. My goal is to contest myself and improve my photography by selecting specific topics. I will update this page every time I add a new challenge as a post. ✌️Important to note. Everybody can participate. Together is more fun. 😌
How does it work?
It’s pretty simple. My plan is to complete one challenge each week. Sometimes I just do more depending on how much time I’ve got. I would love it if you participate on the challenges too. Read the How to photo challenge? page if you want to find out more or want to participate.
Completed challenges
The following list will be updated, once a challenge is finished. So make sure to check it out frequently. ❤️
January 2019
- „Three forest picks from last month“ (3 captures)
- „Perspective in Winter“ (3 captures)